EE524 Digital Signal Processing

- Instructor: Dr. Julie A. Dickerson
- Office: 3123 Coover Hall, (515) 294-7705 or 2624 Howe Hall (Call
x46399 at door)
- E-mail: julied (of the domain)
- Schedule,
Office Hours MW 11-12 in Howe Hall office.
- Class Time: MW 10-11:15 AM
- Location: Marston 205
- Final Exam: Wed, Dec 13, 9:45-11:45
- Syllabus and Grading
- Course grading scheme:
- Homework:25%
- Project 1: 15%
- Final Project and Presentation: 30%
- Midterms (2): 30%
- Textbook:
- J.G. Proakis, D.G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing:
Principles, Algorithms and Applications, 4th edition, Pearson,
Prentice-Hall:Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2007.
- Disability Accomodation
- Please address any
special needs or special accommodations with me at the beginning of the
semester or as soon as you become aware of your needs. Those seeking
accommodations based on disabilities should obtain a Student Academic
Accommodation Request (SAAR) form from the Disability Resources (DR) office
(515-294-6624). DR is located on the main floor of the Student Services
Building, Room 1076.
Nov 27
- Lecture Week 14: Adaptive Filtering
- Finish adaptive lattice-ladder filters
- Application example for adaptive
Nov 20
- No Lecture Week Happy Thanksgiving!
Nov 13
- Project 2 assigned. Project
presentations will be Dec 13, 9:45-11:45 during the final exam time. Project
paper will be due at that time as well.
- Lecture Week 13:
- Continue Adaptive filtering
- Adaptive Filtering, chapter 13 in text
and notes
- Monday: 13.2 and 13.3: Normalized LMS
and RLS Methods
- Wed: 9.2.4: FIR filters in Lattice form
and begin adaptive Lattice-Ladder filters (13.4)
- Review Papers
Date Last Edited