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Ratnesh Kumar

Prof. Kumar has directly mentored 35 PhDs, 6 Postdocs, and 25 Masters (total of 66), out of which 27 PhDs, 24 Masters, and 6 Postdocs have already graduated/completed their term. Currently, Prof. Kumar is supervising 8 PhDs, 0 PostDoc, and 1 Masters. Among his 27 PhD graduates, 8 are in academia (1 in Iowa, 1 in Texas, 1 in Michigan, 1 in Florida, 2 in Kentucky, and 2 in Jordan), 2 PhDs have established their Start-ups, while the remaining 17 are contributing in Industrial R&D ranging from: Aeronautics (GE, Honeywell, Rockwell, SpaceX), Automotive and Robotics (GM, Bright Garden Robotics, Magnatech Inc.), Computing and Software (Adobe, Amazon, Microsoft, Simpli.fi, Advance Test Concepts), Bioinformatics (Anthem.ai), Hardware (AMD, Skyworks, Intel), Energy (California ISO, Eaton). 5 of his 6 Postdocs are his own PhD students, and a 6th Postdoc is now placed in Biodevices company (Medtronic).

PhD Students

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Gang Wu
Video Analytics based on Matrix Completion methods
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Sanghyoup Gu
UAV Control, Visual SLAM
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Balaji S Pokuri
Agriculture Modeling
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Ramya Karunakaran
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Hsin-Che Wu
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Jabir Karachiwala
NLP, Smart Contracts

MS Students

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Debatirtha Deb
Power Systems
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Sam D. Burns
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Sai Ajay Tumu
Artifical Intelligence


PhD Students

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Srijita Patra
Currently: Intel Corp., CA
Thesis: Systems for electromigration study under frequency effect and non-uniform thermal effect: design, fabrication, and testing, ECE, ISU, Nov 2024
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Rahmat Adesunkanmi
Thesis: , ECE, ISU, Nov 2024
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Ramij Raja Hossain
Currently: PNNL, WA
Thesis: Advanced Model Predictive Control Techniques in Real-time Operations and Control of Power Systems, ECE, ISU, Nov 2023
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Soumyabrata Talukder
Currently: Eaton, CO
Thesis: Robust safety and stability of learning-based optimal controllers, ECE, ISU, Jul 2023
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Souvik Kundu
Currently: Intel Corp., CA
Thesis: Opto-chemical biosensor development, and analytics for point-of-care applications, ECE, ISU, Jul 2023
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Madhav Pathak
Currently: Faculty, IIT Kanpur, India
Thesis: Synchronous switched circuits for enhanced energy extraction from triboelectric kinetic energy harvesters, ECE, ISU, Dec 2022
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Anupam Bhar
Currently: Center for Survey and Statistical Methods, Iowa State University
Thesis: Towards sustainable Food-Energy-Water security nexus of farms: Use of agriculture model for precision decision making, ECE, ISU, Mar 2021
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Bhuwan Kashyap
Currently: Skyworks, Inc
Thesis: Sensing for sustainable agriculture with focus on developing technologies for monitoring plant stress, ECE, ISU, Jun 2021
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Alaa T. Al-Ghazo
Currently: Faculty, University of Hartford
Thesis: A framework for Cybersecurity of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Systems and Industrial Control Systems (ICS), ECE, ISU, Nov 2019
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Shawana Tabassum
Currently: Faculty, Univ. of Texas, Tyler, TX
Thesis: Nano-structure-based optical sensors fabrication and validation to gas sensing applications, ECE, ISU, Nov 2018
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Zhen Xu
Currently: Bright Dream Robotics, a subsidiary of Country Garden, China
Thesis: High-throughput microfluidic assay devices for culturing of soybean and microalgae and microfluidic electrophoretic ion nutrient sensor, ECE, ISU, Apr 2018
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Hao Ren
Currently: Honeywell Aerospace, Advanced Technology Division
Thesis: Model-based compositional verification approaches and tools development for cyber-physical systems, ECE, ISU, Mar 2018
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Mariam Ibrahim
Currently: Faculty, German Jordanian University
Thesis: Metrics for Secrecy and Resilience in Cyber-Physical-Systems, ECE, ISU, Jun 2016
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Kanishka Aman Singh
Currently: Founding member and COO, MCARTecg, Inc.
Thesis: A broadband bistable piezoelectric cantilever-based vibration energy harvester with nonlinear high power extraction, ECE, ISU, Dec 2015
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Jun Chen
Currently: Faculty, Oakland University
Thesis: Failure diagnosis and prognosis in stochastic discrete-event and cyber-physical systems, ECE, ISU, Aug 2014
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Gunjan Pandey
Currently: SpaceX, CA
Thesis: Development of impedance spectroscopy based in-situ, self-calibrating, on-board wireless sensor with inbuilt metamaterial inspired small antenna for constituent detection in multi-phase mixtures like soil, ECE, ISU, Feb 2014
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Meng Li
Currently: GE Research, Schenectady, NY
Thesis: A model-based approach to automated test generation and error localization for Simulink/Stateflow, ECE, ISU, Nov 2013
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Herman Sahota
Currently: NVIDIA
Thesis: Wireless sensor network for precision agriculture: Design, Performance Modeling and Evaluation, and Node Localization, ECE, ISU, Jul 2013
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Songyan Xu
Currently: Microsoft, Redmond, WA
Thesis: Control and diagnosis of real-time systems under finite-precision measurement of time, ECE, ISU, Nov 2010
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Wen Qin
Currently: Simpli.fi, Dallas, TX
Thesis: Fault-tolerant supervisory control of discrete-event systems, ECE, ISU, Mar 2009
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Licheng Jin
Currently: California ISO, Sacramento, CA
Thesis: Reachability and model prediction based system protection schemes for power systems, ECE, ISU, Mar 2009
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Jing Huang
Currently: AMD
Thesis: Directed control of discrete event systems, ECE, ISU, Feb 2009
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Saayan Mitra
Currently: Adobe, San Jose, CA
Thesis: I/O-Automata based formal approach to Web Services Choreography, ECE, ISU, Jan 2009
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Changyan Zhou
Currently: UIUC, Industrial and Systems Eng., Urbana-Champaign as Visiting Prof.; now with Magnatech Inc
Thesis: Supervisory control of discrete event systems for bisimulation or simulation equivalence, ECE, ISU, May 2006
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Siddhartha Bhattacharyya
Currently: Faculty, Florida Institute of Technology
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Wenbin Qiu
Currently: Founder, 3D Maker World, Overland Park, KS
Thesis: Decentralized/distributed failure diagnosis and supervisory control of discrete event systems, ECE, ISU, May 2005
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Jeffrey Ashley
Currently: Univ. of Kentucky, ECE Dept. Lexington, KY
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Zhongdong Huang
Currently: LHP Software, Indianapolis, IN
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Vigyan Chandra
Currently: Faculty, Eastern Kentucky University, Technology Dept.,Richmond, KY
Thesis: New formalisms for modeling discrete event systems and their interactions, ECE, Univ. of KY, Apr 2002
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Shengbing Jiang
Currently: GM R&D, Warren, MI

MS Students

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Souvik Kundu
Currently: Continued as PhD in ECE, ISU
Thesis: , ECE, ISU, April 2019
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Shawana Tabassum
Currently: Continued as PhD student in ECE, ISU
Thesis: , ECE, ISU, June 2018
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Lucas Wagner
Currently: Amazon Web Services
Thesis: SIMPAL: A Compositional Reasoning Framework for Imperative Programs, ECE, ISU, April 2017
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Karen (Kim) Wang
Currently: works at Employers in Reno, NV
Thesis: A Soil Sensor Graphical User Interface, ECE, ISU, Dec. 2014
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Daniel Humke
Currently: John Deere, Waterloo, IA
Thesis: Analysis of multivariable controller designs for diesel engine air system control, ECE, ISU, May 2013
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Matthew Jeschke
Currently: Boston Scientific, Minneapolis, MN
Thesis: Modern Embedded Systems Design: Survey of Tools, Techniques, and Current Practices, ECE, ISU, Fall 2007
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Gregory P. Stamp
Currently: Boston Scientific, Minneapolis, MN
Thesis: DECADA: tool for discrete-event control and diagnosis analyzer, ECE, ISU, Fall 2006
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Joshua M. Olson
Currently: Raytheon, Tuscon, AZ
Thesis: Modeling of a discrete event manufacturing plant and design and implementation of controller using LabVIEW and programmable logic controller, ECE, ISU, April 2005
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Vigyan Chandra
Currently: Eastern Kentucky Univ., Richmond, KY
Thesis: Automated Extraction of a Controller from a Supervisor in Discrete Event Systems, Mfg., Univ. of KY, August 2003
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Zhen Yu
Currently: Ericsson, San Jose, CA
Thesis: Enhancements of CINET fuzzy classifier, ECE, ISU, April 2003
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Siddhartha Bhattacharyya
Currently: KY State University, currently at Rockwell Collins, Cedar Rapids, IA
Thesis: Discrete event approach to network fault management, ECE, ISU, April 2003
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Huang Zhongdong
Currently: currently with LHP Software, Indianapolis, IN
Thesis: Coal Segregation Control for Meeting Homogeneity Standards, ECE, Univ. of KY, July 2002
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Satya R. Mohanty
Currently: Cisco
Thesis: On the design of controllers for discrete event systems : an optimization based theory, ECE, Univ. of KY, January 1999
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Siva Gopala Namburi
Currently: Array Networks, Milpitas, CA
Thesis: Design and analysis of multiprotocol converter for multiple flow control protocols : a discrete event systems approach, ECE, Univ. of KY, December 1998
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Bharath Orunganti
Currently: VP, Q2, Austin, Tx
Thesis: A graphical user interface for discrete event control algorithms and their applications, ECE, Univ. of KY, October 1997
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Vigyan Chandra
Currently: Eastern Kentucky Univ., Richmond, KY
Thesis: Design, discrete event modeling & control of a miniature "LEGO" assembly line, ECE, Univ. of KY, October 1997
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Manoz G. Krovvidy
Currently: Qualcomm, CA
Thesis: Timed-automata based successive refinement of digital circuit design for hardware synthesis, ECE, Univ. of KY, October 1996
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Zhonghui Luo
Thesis: Dynamic control for load-side electric demand management, ECE, Univ. of KY, December 1995
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Sudhir Nelvagal
Currently: VP, Owl Cyber Defense
Thesis: Design of protocol converters : a discrete event systems approach, ECE, Univ. of KY, July 1995
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Wai Kit Leong
Thesis: Autoplacement and autorouting in printed circuit board layout, ECE, Univ. of KY, June 1995
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Steven Harris
Currently: at Lexmark, Lexington, KY
Thesis: Temperature control of a ceramic slab heater for a laser printer, ECE, Univ. of KY, April 1995
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Ravichander Sekar
Thesis: Stability and Tolerance in Discrete Event Systems, ECE, Univ. of KY, September 1994
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Hok M. Cheung
Thesis: Control of discrete event systems using limited lookahead based on estimation, ECE, Univ. of KY, December 1993
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Haomin Li
Currently: Lexmark, Lexington, KY
Thesis: Optimization on electronic assembly machine, ECE, Univ. of KY, September 1993

Open Positions

We have open positions for fully-funded PhD in the broad research areas of the group that span Data-Analytics/ML, Security, CPS/Formal Methods, Controls, Sensors, Energy and Agricultural Systems, Bio-applications. Of special interest are research in the areas of Data-Analytics/ML with use in Controls, Security, Ambient Energy Harvesting and IoT Sensors, that will also engage in intellectual property endeavors, to cultivate an overall expertise in research as well as entrepreneurship. These works will build on our past research (see Patents/Publications).

Prospective PhD students are encouraged write to Prof. Kumar with their CV and a statement of interest/purpose at rkumar@iastate.edu to inform and discuss applying for admission and assistantship. Note the ISU graduate college deadline for applying for the Fall term (starting 3rd week of August) is usually Jan 15 and for Spring term (starting 2nd week of January) is June 15, but a later date can also be possible (you can just write to Prof. Kumar).
