Ratnesh Kumar, Palmer Professor
Fellow IEEE; Distinguished Lecturer IEEE
Fellow AAAS; Distinguished Alumni IITK
Ratnesh Kumar is currently Barbara and James R. Palmer Professor, and prior to this, Ruth and Murray J. Harpole Professor, in Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Iowa State University, where he is also a Professor of Computer Science. Ratnesh received B.Tech. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, in 1987, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin, Texas, in 1989 and 1991, respectively. From 1991-2002 he was on the faculty of University of Kentucky. He has held visiting positions at the Institute of Systems Research at the University of Maryland (1992,1994), the NASA Ames Research Center (1996), the Applied Research Laboratory at the Pennsylvania State University (1997-1998), the Idaho National Laboratory (formerly, Argonne National Laboratory West) (2001), the United Technologies Research Center (2008), and the Wright-Patterson Air Force Research Lab (2015-16).
Ratnesh is an elected Fellow of the IEEE for distinguished contributions to discrete event system modeling, control, diagnosis and applications, and also an elected Fellow of the AAAS for distinguished contributions to discrete-event and cyberphysical systems, embedded software, and agri-, bio- and environmental sensors, and energy harvesting. He is recepient of the Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research and David R. Boylan Eminent Faculty Award for Research from Iowa State University, and also the Distinguished Alumni Award from Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur, India. He was a recipient of the Microelectronics and Computer Development (MCD) Fellowship and Best PhD Dissertation from the University of Texas at Austin, and was awarded the Lalit Narain Das Memorial Gold Medal for the Best EE Student and the Ratan Swarup Memorial Gold Medal for the Best All-rounder Student from the Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur, India. He is a recipient of the NSF Research Initiation Award, Summer Fellowship from NASA-Ames and Idaho National Lab, and Sabbatical Fellowships from Applied Research Lab, United Technologies Research Center, and Air Force Research Lab.
Prof. Ratnesh Kumar’s research area is, “ESSeNCE: Embedded Software, Sensors, Networks, Cyberphysical, Energy” spanning, Sensors, Data Analytics, Networks, Controls, and Formal Methods for Correctness/Accuracy, Efficiency, Safety, Stability, Security, Resiliency, Diagnosability, and Prognosability, in Cyber-Physical (Hybrid) and Embedded and Real-time Systems, Model-based Software and Web-services, Agri-, Bio- and Envionmental Sensing, Wearables, and Power Grid and Energy Harvesting.
Prof. Kumar has published extensively in the areas of ESSeNCE: 386 peer reviewed articles (147 Journal articles, 213 Conference articles, and 12 book-chapters, 1 Textbook, and 13 Patents—9 already awarded, and 5 already licensed by companies). Find the list of publications here and patents here
Prof. Kumar has directly mentored 38 PhDs, 6 Postdocs, and 28 Masters (total of 71), out of which 28 PhDs, 24 Masters, and 6 Postdocs have already graduated/completed their term. Currently, Prof. Kumar is supervising 9 PhDs, 0 PostDoc, and 4 Masters. Among his 28 PhD graduates, 9 are in academia (1 in Iowa, 1 in Texas, 1 in Michigan, 1 in Florida, 2 in Kentucky, 2 in Jordan, and 1 in India), 2 PhDs have established their Start-ups, while the remaining 17 are contributing in Industrial R&D ranging from: Aeronautics (GE, Honeywell, Rockwell, SpaceX), Automotive and Robotics (GM, Bright Garden Robotics, Magnatech Inc.), Computing and Software (Adobe, Amazon, Microsoft, Simpli.fi, Advance Test Concepts), Bioinformatics/Biodevices (Anthem.ai, Medronic), Hardware (AMD, Skyworks, Intel), Energy (California ISO, Eaton, PNNL). 2 of his 6 Postdocs are in Academia (in Texas and in India) and other 4 are in Industrial R&D (Magnatech Inc., AMD, Medtronic, SpaceX). Find the list of people from ESSeNCE group here
Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Ratnesh Kumar’s CV is available here.
In News
- 2022 Distinguished Alumni Award, IITK (Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur), 2022. For Academic Excellence. Post
- 2022 Iowa State University Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research. The award recognizes a tenured faculty member who has a national or international reputation for contributions in research and/or creative activity.
- 2019 David R. Boylan Eminent Faculty Award for Research, Iowa State University, 2019: ISU, Photo
- 2018 Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science: AAAS, ISU. For distinguished contributions to discrete-event and cyberphysical systems, embedded software, and agri-, bio- and environmental sensors, and energy harvesting
- 2007 Fellow of Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineer: IEEE, CSS. For distinguished contributions to discrete event system modeling, control, diagnosis and applications
- Palmer Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Iowa State University, 2021
- Harpole Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Iowa State University, 2017, Photo
- Sustainable Agriculture Award Articles, ISU: 2020; 2016
- Adobe Gift Award article, ISU: 2019
- Sensors Research in News: NSF, Iowa State Daily, Ames Tribune, Other Media
- Best Transaction Paper, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2016: Journal, ISU
- IEEE Control Sytems Society Distinguished Lecturer
- “People in Control” Article, IEEE Control System Magazine, 2013: Pdf, Link
- 2016 IEEE Sensors: Best Student Paper Finalist—Paper 1722
- 2014 IEEE ICNSC: Best Conference Paper Finalist Award, and also, Best Student Paper Finalist Award
- Plenaries: IC32019, WODES2014, ICIT2014, IWSC2008 (part of IEEE COMPSAC 2008).
Ratnesh is or was an Associate Editor of ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, IEEE Transactions on SMC: Systems, MDPI Sensors, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, IET Cyberphysical Systems: Theory and Applications, Journal of Discrete Event Dynamical Systems, IEEE Control Systems Society, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, IEEE Systems, Man & Cybernetics Society. He regularly serves on the program committee for the IEEE CDC (Conference on Decision and Control), IEEE/IFAC ACC (American Control Conference), IEEE SMC (Systems, Man & Cybernetics), IEEE CASE (Conference on Automation Science and Engineering), IEEE/IFAC WODES (International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems), IEEE/IFAC ADHS (Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems), IEEE COMPSAC (Conference on Computers, Applications and Software), and IWSC (International Workshop on Software Cybernetics). He has served as General Co-Chair for WODES and Program Committee Co-Chair for IWSC.