Fuzzy Set and Cache-based Approach for Bug Triaging
Ahmed Tamrawi, Tung Thanh Nguyen, Jafar Al-Kofahi, Tien N. Nguyen


Bug triaging aims to assign a bug to the most appropriate fixer. It is crucial in reducing the time and efforts in a bug fixing process. In this paper, we propose Bugzie, a novel approach for automatic bug triaging based on fuzzy set and cache-based modeling of the bug-fixing capability of developers.

Bugzie considers a system to have multiple technical aspects, each is associated with technical terms. For each technical term, it uses a fuzzy set to represent the developers who are capable/competent of fixing the bugs relevant to the corresponding aspect. The fixing correlation of a developer toward a technical term is represented by his/her membership score to the corresponding fuzzy set. The score is calculated based on bug reports that (s)he has fixed, and it is updated as newly fixed bug reports are available. For a new bug report, Bugzie combines the fuzzy sets corresponding to its terms and ranks the membership scores on that combined fuzzy set to find the most capable fixers.

Our experiment results show that Bugzie achieves significantly higher accuracy and time efficiency than state-of-the-art approaches.