CprE 536: Computer and Network Forensics

Cyber-attack prevention, detection, response, and investigation with the goals of counteracting cybercrime,
cyberterrorism, and cyberpredators, and making the responsible persons/groups accountable.

Iowa State University
Ames, IA



Course Objectives

The knowledge of computer and network forensics has become essential in securing today's network-centric computing environment. This new course will give the students both the fundamental knowledge and hands-on practice on computer and network forensics. The added exposure to forensics will enhance the marketability of our students and serve the students who carry the skills and knowledge forward into their future careers.

Upon completing this course, the students are expected to understand the basics of computer and network forensics, to be well-trained as next-generation computer crime investigators, and to be prepared for active research at the forefront of these areas.

News and Events

Fall 2023 (Please keep an eye on this news box for the latest.)

  1. Our kick-off meeting will be held on Aug. 22, 2023. Welcome to our fall Forensics class!

  2. If you have any questions or suggestions about the Canvas course site (streaming lectures and in-class annotations), please email edehelp@iastate.edu and copy it to the instructor (yguan@iastate.edu).

  3. More to be added.


Course Description

Computer and network forensics studies cyber-attack prevention, planning, detection, response, and investigation with the goals of counteracting cybercrimes, and making the responsible persons/groups accountable. The topics covered in this course include fundamentals of digital forensics, forensic duplication and analysis, network surveillance, intrusion detection and response, incident response, anti-forensics techniques, anonymity and pseudonymity, cyber law, computer security policies and guidelines, court report writing and presentation, and case studies. Course projects will be done using the licensed toolkits and equipments in the NSF-funded Cyber Forensics Lab at Coover 3223.

The course will consist of three course projects (i.e., machine problems), two exams, and one term paper. We will have a small number of homework assignments, demonstrations (on your course projects), and presentations. The students will:

  1. Write a 6-pages (double column and single space) term paper: including defining a specific problem, surveying existing work, developing a (better) solution, and evaluating your results. A list of selected topics/problems will be provided. You are also welcome to propose your own one.
  2. Learn to use and evaluate digital forensic toolkits and write reports on them.
  3. Give demos and/or presentations on projects, and term papers.

Course Outline:

Module I: Digital Forensics: An Overview

Module II: Forensics Basics and Criminalistics

Module III: Basics of OS and Networking: A Review

Module IV: Advanced Topics in Computer and Network Forensics

Forensic Modeling and Principles

Forensic Duplication

Forensics Analytics

File Carving

Mobile Device Forensics

Cyber Forensics Tools and the Testing Thereof

Network Surveillance and Accountability

Network Attack Traceback and Attribution

Multicast Fingerprinting

Multimedia Forensics

Module V: Intrusion and Online Frauds Detection

Module VI: Cryptocurrency and Blockchain

Module VII: Steganography & Steganalysis

Module VIII: Anonymity/Pseudonymity/P3P

Module IX: Cyber Law, Security and Privacy Policies and Guidelines

Module X: Case Studies, and ethical issues

Module XI: Court Testimony and Report Writing Skills

Course Materials

There will be no textbooks. Most readings are from the lecture notes and papers published in recent years from top security/forensics conferences/workshops or journals, reference books, and related Internet web sites. Two reading lists will be given. The required readings are 30-35 papers and a suggested reading list includes 140+ papers published within the last 15 years. The following are a list of reference books:

  • Bruce Middleton, Cyber Crime Investigator's Field Guide, Boca Raton, Florida:Auerbach Publications, 2001, ISBN 0-8493-1192-6.
  • Brian Carrier, File System Forensic Analysis, Addison-Wesley, 2005, ISBN 0-321-26817-2.
  • Chris Prosise and Kevin Mandia, Incident Response: Investigating Computer Crime, Berkeley, California: Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 2001, ISBN 0-07-213182-9.
  • Warren Kruse and Jay Heiser, Computer Forensics: Incident Response Essentials, Addition-Wesley, 2002, ISBN 0-201-70719-5.
  • Stephen Northcutt, Mark Cooper, Matt Fearnow, and Karen Frederick, Intrusion Signatures and Analysis, Indianapolis, Indiana: New Riders, 2001, ISBN 0-7357-1063-5.
  • Rebecca Gurley Bace, Intrusion Detection, Indianapolis, Indiana: Macmillan Technical, 2000, ISBN 1578701856.
  • Edward Amoroso, Intrusion Detection: An Introduction to Internet Surveillance, Correlation, Trace Back, Traps, and Response, Intrusion.Net Books, 1999, ISBN 0-9666700-7-8.
  • Ross Anderson, Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 2001, ISBN: 0471389226.
  • Alberto Leon-Garcia and Indra Widjaja, Communication Networks: Fundamental Concepts and Key Architectures, First Edition, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2000, ISBN 0-07-022839-6.

Lecture slides and notes can be accessed through Cavas.

The required and suggested reading lists can be accessed through Cavas.

Useful On-line Resources:

Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence
International Journal of Digital Evidence
Department of Defense Computer Forensics Lab
Digital Forensics Research Workshop
National White Collar Crime Center
Department of Justice CCIPS
International Organization on Computer Evidence
High Tech Crime Investigators Association
UK National High Tech Crime Unit

CERIAS Forensics Research
University of Central Florida Digital Evidence Site

Seminal papers at Computer Security Archives Project at UC, Davis

Committee on National Security Systems page (NSTISSI standards)

Course Prerequisite

CprE 308 and 489, or at least familiar with basic concepts in operating systems and networking.

Grading and Acad. Policy

Grading will be on the absolute scale. The cutoff for an `A' will be at most 90% of total score, 80% for a `B', 70% for a `C', and 60% for a `D'. However, these cutoffs might be lowered at the end of the semester to accommodate the actual distribution of grades.

  1. Mid-term & final exam: 40%

  2. Course projects: 30%

  3. Presentations and demos: 2%

  4. Online quizzes and/or short surveys on selected DF topics: 3%

  5. Term papers: 25%

  6. Attendance and participation in class discussions: 3%, Bonus points (for on-campus students only).

Academic Policy:

  • All incidents of academic dishonesty will be dealt with according to the university policy. No exceptions.
    1. All references must be properly cited, including internet web pages (URL must be provided). If plagiarism is detected, i.e. without proper citation and quotation, you will automatically receive an F. When in doubt, please ask the instructor if it is reasonable to include other's work in your assignments.
  • We welcome active participation and discussions about the topics/materials covered in the class.
  • Due date for term papers and course projects is hard (no late hand-in will be accepted.) except that you have reasonable reason. However, for the whole semester, you can have at most one time no-reason three-day extension.

Lecture and Office Hours

Dr. Yong Guan, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011. Office: Durham 309. Email: yguan@iastate.edu. Phone: (515) 294-8378. Fax: (515) 294-8432.

Lecture: Tuesday & Thursday, 12:40-2:00pm, Howe 1344.

Office Hours: Thursday, 2-3pm, Online Zoom.

Further Information

For further information, please contact Yong Guan (yguan@iastate.edu) by email or drop by office Durham 309.