List of Journal Publications
Liu, Y. Guan, and Sang W. Kim, “Bayesian test for detecting false data
injection in wireless relay networks,” IEEE Communications Letters, Accepted
for publication, Oct. 2017.
Ta and Sang W. Kim, “Adapting rate and power for maximizing secrecy energy
efficiency,” IEEE Communications Letters, pp.2049-2052, Sep. 2017.
W. Kim, ``Physical integrity check in cooperative relay communications," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Accepted for
publication, Jun. 2015.
W. Kim, ``Cooperative communications with unreliable
relays," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,
pp. 5932-5939, Nov. 2014.
W. Kim and D.H.Yoon, ``Realizing multi-user massive
MIMO receiver using single radio frequency chain per user," IEEE Wireless
Communications Letters, pp. 293-296, Jun. 2014.
T.Khalaf, A. E.
Abdel-Hakim, and Sang W. Kim, ``Tradeoff
between reliability and security in multiple access relay networks under
falsified data injection attack," IEEE
Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, pp. 386-396, Mar. 2014.
W. Kim and Y.J.Chun, ``Reliability-rate tradeoff in
large scale multiple access relay networks with random network coding,"
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, pp. 1414-1422, Aug. 2013.
D.I.Kim, and Sang W. Kim, ``Optimization of network
coded MIMO transmission in multiple-access relay network," IEEE
Transactions on Wireless Communications, pp.2436-2444, May 2013.
Kim and Sang W. Kim, ``Recycling polluted packet at the physical layer in
wireless network coding," IEEE Communications Letters, pp. 856-859, May 2013.
10. N.Malani and Sang W. Kim, ``Channel
adaptive prioritized network coding," IEEE Communications Letters,
pp.1256-1259, Aug. 2012.
11. Sang W.
Kim, T.Khalaf, and S.M.Kim,
"MAP detection
of misbehaving relay in wireless multiple access relay networks," IEEE Communications Letters, pp.340-342, March 2011.
12. Sang W. Kim, "Cooperative concatenated coding in multi-hop multiple access relay networks," IEEE Transactions on Communications, pp.3305-3315, Nov. 2010.
13. Sang W. Kim, Y.J.Chun, and S.Kim, "Co-channel interference cancellation using single radio frequency and baseband chain, IEEE Transactions on Communications, pp. 2169-2175, July 2010.
14. Sang W. Kim, "Randomized parity forwarding in large-scale cooperative broadcast network," IEEE Transactions on Communications, pp.860-868, Mar. 2010.
15. Sang W. Kim, "Substream-based soft handoff in CDMA cellular networks," IEEE Transactions on Communications, pp. 2576-2579, Sep. 2009.
16. Y.J.Chun and Sang W. Kim, "Log-likelihood-ratio ordered Successive Interference Cancellation in Multi-User, Multi-Mode MIMO Systems," IEEE Communications Letters, pp.837-839, Nov. 2008.
17. Y.H.Lee and Sang W. Kim, "Generalized joint power and rate adaptation in DS/CDMA communications over fading channels," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 57, pp.603-608, Jan. 2008.
18. D.H. Kim and Sang W. Kim, "Bit-level stopping of Turbo decoding," IEEE Communications Letters, pp.183-185, Mar. 2006.
19. Sang W. Kim and K.P.Kim, "Log-likelihood ratio based detection ordering in V- BLAST," IEEE Transactions on Communications, pp.302-307, Feb. 2006.
20. Y.G.Kim and Sang W. Kim, "Optimum selection combining for M-ary signals in frequency-nonselective fading channels," IEEE Transactions on Communications, pp.84-93, Jan. 2005.
21. J.D.Kim, Sang W. Kim, and Y.G.Kim, "Combined power control and error-control coding in multi-carrier DS/CDMA systems," IEEE Transactions on Communications, pp.1282-1287, Aug. 2004.
22. Sang W. Kim, Y. G. Kim, and M. K. Simon, "Generalized selection combining based on the log-likelihood ratio", IEEE Transactions on Communications, pp. 521-524, Apr. 2004.
23. Y. G. Kim and Sang W. Kim, "Optimal selection diversity for BPSK signals in Rayleigh fading channels", IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol.49, No.10, pp.1715-1718, October 2001.
24. J. H. Kim and Sang W. Kim, "Partial successive interference cancellation in hybrid DS/FH spread spectrum multiple access systems", IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol.49, No.10, pp.1710-1714, October 2001.
25. Sang W. Kim, "Adaptive orthogonal signaling with diversity in a frequency-nonselective Rayleigh fading channel", IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol.48, No.11, pp.1865-1870, November 2000.
26. S. H. Kim and Sang W. Kim, "Frequency-hopped multiple-access communications with multicarrier on-off keying in Rayleigh fading channels", IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol.48, No.10, pp.1692-1701, October 2000.
27. Sang W. Kim and A. Goldsmith, "Truncated power control in code division multiple access communications", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp.965-972, May 2000.
28. Sang W. Kim and Y. H. Lee, "Combined rate and power adaptation in DS/CDMA communications over Nakagami fading channels", IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 162 - 168, January 2000.
29. Sang W. Kim, "Adaptive rate and power DS/CDMA communications in fading channels," IEEE Communications Letters, Vol.3, No.4, pp.85-87, April 1999.
30. J. D. Kim and Sang W. Kim, "Logical AND diversity combining in FH/SSMA packet radio networks," IEEE Communications Letters, Vol.3, No.1, pp.1-3, January 1999.
31. J. H. Han and Sang W. Kim, "Capacity of DS/CDMA communication systems with optimum spectral overlap," IEEE Communications Letters, Vol.2, No.11, pp.298-300, November 1998.
32. H. K. Choi and Sang W. Kim, "Frequency-hopped multiple-access communication with nonorthogonal BFSK in Rayleigh fading channels," IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol.46, No.11, pp.1478-1483, November 1998.
33. Sang W. Kim and W. E. Stark, "Performance limits of Reed-Solomon coded CDMA with orthogonal signaling in a Rayleigh fading channel," IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol.46, No.9, pp.1125-1134, September 1998.
34. Y. J. Bang and Sang W. Kim, "A new spreading scheme for convolutionally coded CDMA communication in a Rayleigh fading channel," IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vo.44, No.11, pp.1537-1542, November 1996.
35. S. H. Kim and Sang W. Kim, "An error control coding scheme for multi-speed play of digital VCR," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol.5, No.3, pp.243-247, June 1995.
36. Sang W. Kim, Y.H. Lee, and Sangmun Kim, ``Bandwidth tradeoffs among coding, processing gain and modulation in frequency-hopped multiple access communications," IEE Proceedings- Communications, Volume: 141 Issue: 2, Page(s): 63-69, April 1994.
37. Sang W. Kim, "Frequency-hopped spread-spectrum random access with retransmission cutoff and code rate adjustment," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, pp.344-349, Vol.10, No.2, Feb. 1992.
38. Sang W. Kim, "Stabilization of slotted ALOHA spread-spectrum communication networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol.8, pp.555-561, May 1990.
39. Sang W. Kim and W. E. Stark, "Optimum rate Reed-Solomon codes for frequency-hopped spread-spectrum multiple access communication systems," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol.37, pp.138-144, Feb.1989.