Figure 15.6 Header File for Class Complex // // header file complex.h // #ifndef COMPLEX_H #define COMPLEX_H #include using namespace std; class Complex { public: // Constructors Complex() { real = 0; imag = 0; } // default constructor Complex(double rl) { real = rl; imag = 0; } // constructor that // converts reals to complex numbers Complex(double rl, double im) { real = rl; imag = im; } // constructor // with 2 parameters corresponding to 2 data members // Member function Complex abs() const; // Member operators Complex operator+ (Complex operand2) const; Complex operator- (Complex operand2) const; Complex operator* (Complex operand2) const; Complex operator/ (Complex operand2) const; private: // Data members double real; // real and imaginary parts double imag; // of a complex number // I/O operators friend istream& operator>> (istream& is, Complex& innum); friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, Complex outnum); }; #endif