Figure 5.8 Displaying a Celsius-to-Fahrenheit Conversion Table /* Conversion of Celsius to Fahrenheit temperatures */ #include <stdio.h> /* Constant macros */ #define CBEGIN 10 #define CLIMIT -5 #define CSTEP 5 int main(void) { /* Variable declarations */ int celsius; double fahrenheit; /* Display the table heading */ printf(" Celsius Fahrenheit\n"); /* Display the table */ for (celsius = CBEGIN; celsius >= CLIMIT; celsius -= CSTEP) { fahrenheit = 1.8 * celsius + 32.0; printf("%6c%3d%8c%7.2f\n", ' ', celsius, ' ', fahrenheit); } return (0); } Celsius Fahrenheit 10 50.00 5 41.00 0 32.00 -5 23.00