Program 2 - Login program:
 -build a database of names and passwords (3 of them)
 -password accepted when length >= 6
 -give user three chances to input name and password correctly

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define N 50
#define NUM 3

void main()
     char names[NUM][N];
     char pws[NUM][N];
     char pwguess[50];
     char nameguess[50];
     int i, j;
     printf("Enter %d names in the format\tname password\n", NUM);
     for(i=0; i<NUM; i++)
         printf("enter name and password %d: ", i);
         scanf("%s%s", names[i], pws[i]);
              printf("password must be length >= 6!\n");
              printf("enter name and password %d: ", i);
              scanf("%s%s", names[i], pws[i]);
     printf("\nDatabase of usernames and passwords built!\n\n\n");
     for(j=0; j<3; j++)
         printf("Enter your name and password: ", nameguess);
         scanf("%s%s", nameguess, pwguess);
         for(i=0; i<NUM; i++)
           if(strcmp(names[i], nameguess)==0 && strcmp(pws[i], pwguess)==0)
                   printf("successfully logged in\n"); 
          printf("incorrect name and password\n");
     printf("Too many login attemps were made. This computer is now locked...\n");