Figure 15.7 Implementation File for Class Complex // // implementation file complex.cpp // #include "complex.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; // // absolute value of a complex number // Complex Complex::abs() const { Complex cabs( sqrt(real * real + imag * imag), 0); return cabs; } // // sum of current complex number and operand2 // Complex Complex::operator+ ( Complex operand2 ) const { Complex csum( real + operand2.real, imag + operand2.imag ); return csum; } // // product of current complex number and operand2 // Complex Complex::operator* ( Complex operand2 ) const { Complex cproduct( real * operand2.real - imag * operand2.imag, real * operand2.imag + imag * operand2.real ); return cproduct; } // // difference of current complex number and operand2 // Complex Complex::operator- ( Complex operand2 ) const { Complex cdiff( real - operand2.real, imag - operand2.imag ); return cdiff; } // // quotient of current complex number divided by operand2 // Complex Complex::operator/ ( Complex operand2 ) const { double divisor = operand2.real * operand2.real + operand2.imag * operand2.imag; Complex cquot( (real * operand2.real + imag * operand2.imag) / divisor, (imag * operand2.real - real * operand2.imag) / divisor); return cquot; } // // Extract from input source the two components of a complex number // istream& operator>> (istream& is, Complex& c) { is >> c.real >> c.imag; return is; } // // Insert in the output stream a representation of a complex number: // either the form (a + bi) or (a - bi), dropping a or b if one of them // rounds to zero // ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, Complex c) { double a = c.real; double b = c.imag; char sign; os << setiosflags( ios::fixed | ios::showpoint ) << setprecision(2); os << '('; if (fabs(a) < .005 && fabs(b) < .005) { os << 0.0; } else if (fabs(b) < .005) { os << a; } else if (fabs(a) < .005) { os << b; } else { if (b < 0) sign = '-'; else sign = '+'; os << a << ' ' << sign << ' ' << fabs(b) << 'i'; } os << ')'; return os; }