Figure 11.16 Program to Compute Area and Perimeter of Geometric Figures /* * Computes the area and perimeter of a variety of geometric figures. */ #include #define PI 3.14159 /* Types defining the components needed to represent each shape. */ typedef struct { double area, circumference, radius; } circle_t; typedef struct { double area, perimeter, width, height; } rectangle_t; typedef struct { double area, perimeter, side; } square_t; /* Type of a structure that can be interpreted a different way for each shape */ typedef union { circle_t circle; rectangle_t rectangle; square_t square; } figure_data_t; /* Type containing a structure with multiple interpretations along with * a component whose value indicates the current valid interpretation */ typedef struct { char shape; figure_data_t fig; } figure_t; figure_t get_figure_dimensions(void); figure_t compute_area(figure_t object); figure_t compute_perim(figure_t object); void print_figure(figure_t object); int main(void) { figure_t onefig; printf("Area and Perimeter Computation Program\n"); for (onefig = get_figure_dimensions(); onefig.shape != 'Q'; onefig = get_figure_dimensions()) { onefig = compute_area(onefig); onefig = compute_perim(onefig); print_figure(onefig); } return (0); } /* * Prompts for and stores the dimension data necessary to compute a * figure's area and perimeter. Figure returned contains a 'Q' in the * shape component when signaling end of data. */ figure_t get_figure_dimensions(void) { figure_t object; printf("Enter a letter to indicate the object shape or Q to quit.\n"); printf("C (circle), R (rectangle), or S (square)> "); object.shape = getchar(); switch (object.shape) { case 'C': case 'c': printf("Enter radius> "); scanf("%lf", &; break; case 'R': case 'r': printf("Enter height> "); scanf("%lf", &object.fig.rectangle.height); printf("Enter width> "); scanf("%lf", &object.fig.rectangle.width); break; case 'S': case 's': printf("Enter length of a side> "); scanf("%lf", &object.fig.square.side); break; default: /* Error is treated as a QUIT */ object.shape = 'Q'; } return (object); } /* * Computes the area of a figure given relevant dimensions. Returns * figure with area component filled. * Pre: value of shape component is one of these letters: CcRrSs * necessary dimension components have values */ figure_t compute_area(figure_t object) { switch (object.shape) { case 'C': case 'c': = PI * *; break; case 'R': case 'r': object.fig.rectangle.area = object.fig.rectangle.height * object.fig.rectangle.width; break; case 'S': case 's': object.fig.square.area = object.fig.square.side * object.fig.square.side; break; default: printf("Error in shape code detected in compute_area\n"); } return (object); } /* Code for compute_perim and print_figure goes here */