Proposal 5 2) no 3)6 4)7 Your proposal needs some work. Overall, I thought your idea was a great continuation of the previous work done with buttons in the Developmental Robotics lab, but you’ll need to articulate what you’re proposing in a more understandable manner. Below, I’ll detail what I liked and what I think you can improve on, as well as concerns that I have with this proposal. First of all, I liked the overall idea of your project. It’s a clear continuation of Vlad’s button pushing algorithm he’s presented in class and I think this is a great adaptation of that previous work. I like that you considered using the exiting set-up, I think it will save you a lot of time and shows that you’ve taken time to consider the experimental set-up. Also, I think your proposed approach should work for this application, though I was a little worried at first as to whether the robot can detect the small tactile change of pushing a button. Though your description of having the robot hit the wall and then push, you’ve relieved my worries and I think this project can work. Furthermore, you seem to have a good hold on what machine learning algorithms you are going to use and I really liked that you could mention the ones you intended to use by name. Finally, I think the general idea is very doable within the remaining time of the course. There are, however, many things that I think you need to change, and some things you could change to make this proposal better. First of all, get to the benefits of your research faster. You seem to explore the works of predecessors in the field, but you don’t look at why this research is important. In the introduction, you should engage the reader and peak his interest. Also, you have several occasions where you detail related work outside the related work section. I think it’s fine if you reference these sources outside the section, but keep it short and concise. Thirdly, and I cannot emphasize this enough, do not mention Wikipedia in the paper. Wikipedia is a great place to get started in your research, but it is not a respected source, since none of the information is verifiable and anyone can change the information there. If you want to mention something you read on Wikipedia, find the source the Wiki used. Next is your formatting, though only in one section. In section 4, Research Contents, you make a complete break from your previous format. Consider changing this, as it makes no sense to do this in the middle of your paper. Two final changes that I insist that you make are: add more pictures and have this proofread by a native English speaker. Pictures are a great way to illustrate your proposed algorithm, and a wonderful way to break up the monotony of plain text. I think your descriptions are a little confusing and that pictures could go a long way in alleviating this confusion. The second recommendation is just a matter of making the paper a bit more readable. It is clear to me that English is not you native language, and I think your proposal suffers because of this. Just have an American friend look over and make slight corrections to your grammar and it will go a long way to making your paper more readable. Overall, I think that your proposal is so-so and if I had to give it a grade it would be around a C plus. I also believe that with a little work, this could be a great document and a great project can come out of it.